Sunday, 5 August 2012

Next Performance

Dido and Aeneas is coming back to Saigon

The Opera Dido and Aeneas was a notorious success last May, The Saigon Times mentioning a "historic occasion".  If you missed this historic representation you will be given a second chance , at the Opera House of HCM City, during the "Gala Autumn Melodies 2012", August 17 2012. Another occasion to discover Huyen acting the role of the Sorceress with "an appropriate gusto". (Saigon Times Monday, May 14,2012).


Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Dido and Aeneas make history in Saigon ...

Huyen's performance with the HBSO at Ho Chi Minh City Opera House in May 2012.
Dido and Aeneas. 

An oustanding interpretation of the role of the Sorceress !

An article from the "Saigon Times"